Clangores Plenilunio

Clangores Plenilunio


Label: Avantgarde Music

Release Date: 13 February 2015

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1. Lupercale

Tu, genio dei boschi, dimorante di remote selve
Tu, ferino fautore del primordiale istinto
Nelle sale del tenebroso palazzo di roccia, immerso nell’ignota ed atavica sapienza
Tu, ammaliatore di ninfe delle sorgenti
Tu, suonatore di incantevoli ed ipnotiche nenie
Dal lussurioso ventre di Fatua generato, fertile portatore di lasciva prosperità!
Oracolo invasatore, macabra voce riecheggia nei sogni
Re delle bestie! Lo spirito ammanta l’alpe…
Oracolo protettore, suscita l’incubo in fragili menti
Istinto ispiratore e custode di reconditi segreti
Faunus… Lupercus… Lupercale… Ordina il silenzio… che il rituale abbia inizio!
Schiocchi di februa tra le carni in cerca di spiriti fecondi
Morte profana in lame di sangue, ritorno e risate in orge bestiali
Pelli di capro, versi di lupo, voluttuosa bramosia
Morte profana in lame di sangue, ritorno e risate nei Lupercali!
Faunus… Lupercus… Nel supremo istinto bestiale!

Infere entità in armoniosa danza con la terra
Intonano i canti di una primordiale nostalgia

Versi saturnii si rincorrono nelle valli
Legioni di spiriti bramano vendetta
Imprigionati nel profondo da ipocrite catene
Assopiti nel torpore di lucenti gabbie

Thou genie of the woods, dweller of remote forests
Thou, feral advocate of primordial instinct
In the halls of the gloomy rock palace, immersed in the unknown and atavistic wisdom
Thou, bewitcher of spring nymphs
Thou, player of enchanting and hypnotic dirges
Birthed from the lustful womb of Fatua, fertile bearer of lascivious prosperity!
Invading oracle, macabre voice echoes in dreams
King of beasts! The spirit cloaks the alp…
Protector oracle, stirs nightmare in fragile minds
Inspiring instinct and keeper of hidden secrets
Faunus… Lupercus… Lupercale… Commanding silence… let the ritual begin!
Faunus snaps between flesh in search of fertile spirits
Profane death in blades of blood, return and laughter in the Lupercalia!
Faunus… Lupercus… In supreme bestial instinct!

Infere entities in harmonious dance with the earth
They chant the songs of primordial nostalgia.

Saturnian verses chase each other through the valleys
Legions of spirits yearn for vengeance
Imprisoned in the depths by hypocritical chains
Sleeping in the torpor of shining cages.

This song is inspired by the ancient roman cult of Fauno Luperco, the goat-footed god.

2. Clangores Plenilunio

Lights through the night rise the mountain
Beams cut the obscurity of the forest
Goats’ steps are heard
They are fast among the stones, once again, night by night!
From forgetful times… Fairys’ path, secret ways, hey leave the human reign!

Braids on the manes in this tumultuous night the cries of wood-sprites wind the mind of the fearful priest..
The coven dance in a circle bright: excited minds, naked bodies, tempt your guilty reason!
Between the leaves and stones where the shadows dwell you can see the carnival of nymphs and men
The pipers dirge will take your breath away here is coming the revenge of the hidden realm!

Lights disappear and lights turn off…
Lights escape (to go) beyond the cave to dwell the bowels…
Bowels of the mountain where the Sybil dominates
Still today to eternity ancient pagan rites are still alive!

Now the night is bright and wolves are running fast
In the underground the nymphs are singing!
Echoes of despair, all across the vales…
Screaming to the moon, the ancient desire sweeps the lands with force and fire!
Something like a spell is whisper!
Like snakes they crawl deep in the caves, beyond the door,
lowest creatures in penance to became again charming and irresistible in the full moon nights, they’ll come back again!
They’ll come back night by night! They’ll come back again in the darkness!
They’ll come back once again! They’ll come back again in the night!
Nocturnal footsteps in the lake, clairvoyant nymphs, gods’ prophets…
Between earthly and divine their oracles impressed on oak leaves.

Spotless dresses, long blond hairs, lascivious rites under the full moon.
Romantic and beautiful vision they enchant unknowing men obsessed by their dirge!
They stand in the form of a nymph deep in the woods beyond the pale light, lustful creatures in penance…
Souls chained follow their lyrics, lecherus chants of empiric landscapes inebriate the mind of the weak
A soporific lightwind from the crevices of the cave!

The moon leaves the valley of the unknown, the breeze of a new day is the death of all fears
Ash heap of nightfires resting dark in the grass and men forget savage instincts
Cradling a legend that not causes shame everyone restore his boldness
But they are waiting in the cave, they’re waiting to awake from the unaware stillness!

Between the leaves and stones where the shadows dwell you can see the carnival of nymphs and men
Cross shaped pillars fall in front of you the goat seed is growing in this fertil earth!

Luci nella notte risalgono la montagna
I raggi tagliano l’oscurità del bosco
Si sentono i passi delle capre
Sono veloci tra le pietre, ancora una volta, notte dopo notte!
Da tempi dimenticati… I sentieri delle Fate, vie segrete attraverso le quali Loro abbandonano il regno degli uomini.

Trecce sulle criniere dei cavalli in questa notte di tumulto
le grida degli spiriti dei boschi avvolgono la mente del prete timorato.
La Congrega danza in un cerchio luminoso: menti eccitate e corpi nudi tentano la tua ragione colpevole!
Tra foglie e sassi dove dimorano le ombre, puoi assistere al carnevale delle ninfe e degli uomini.
Il canto del pifferaio ti toglierà il fiato, la vendetta del Regno Nascosto sta arrivando!

Luci scompaiono, si spengono.
Luci si rifugiano all’interno delle viscere della caverna.
Le viscere della montagna dove la Sibilla regna
Antichi riti pagani sono ancora vivi, oggi e per l’eternità!

Ora la notte è luminosa e i lupi corrono veloci
Nel sottosuolo le ninfe stanno cantando!
Echi di disperazione attraversano tutte le valli…
Urlando alla luna, l’antico desiderio pervade le terre con forza e fuoco!
Viene sussurrato qualcosa che suona come un incantesimo!
Infime creature in penitenza strisciano come serpi nelle profondità delle caverne,
oltre la porta, per ridiventare affascinanti ed irresistibili, nelle notte di luna piena esse torneranno!
Torneranno notte dopo notte, di nuovo, nell’oscurità!
Torneranno ancora una volta, ancora nella notte!
Passi notturni nel lago, ninfe chiaroveggenti, profeti degli dèi…
Tra terreno e divino, i loro oracoli impressi su foglie di quercia!

Immacolate le vesti, lunghi capelli biondi, riti lascivi sotto la luna piena.
Belle e romantiche visioni incantano uomini inconsapevoli, ossessionati dal loro canto funebre!

In forma di ninfa, nel profondo dei boschi, oltre la pallida luce, lussuriose creature penitenti…
Seguono le loro liriche delle anime incatenate
canti lussuriosi di paesaggi empirici, inebriano la mente dei deboli,
un leggero vento soporifico esce dalle fessure della grotta!

La luna lascia la valle dell’ignoto mentre la brezza di un nuovo giorno dissipa ogni paura
Ceneri di fuochi notturni riposano nell’oscurità dell’erba e gli uomini dimenticano i loro istinti selvaggi
Ripetendosi una leggenda che non suscita vergogna, ognuno recupera il suo orgoglio
Ma Loro aspettano nella caverna, aspettano di risvegliarsi dalla quiete immobile!

Tra foglie e sassi dove dimorano le ombre, puoi assistere al carnevale delle ninfe e degli uomini.
Le croci di pietra crollano dinnanzi a te, il seme caprino sta crescendo in questa terra fertile!

Translated from Latin, ‘Schiamazzi al Plenilunio’ is linked to the myth of the Sibyl Fairies,
demons in the form of beautiful women who live in the caves of the Sibylline Mountains (Marche).
They have goat legs under their skirts and possess metal and treasure seekers.
Sometimes, at night, they come out of the mountains in multitudes and perform marvellous dances in the fields
making travellers fall in love with them, who, once they follow them into the caves, they disappear forever into Alcina’s underground kingdom.

3. Prologue

4. ...In the Woods (In the Woods... Cover)

5. Epilogue

The EP

“It all started here. In 2012, I wrote these two songs for my previous band, Draugr.
Trying to arrange them with others, I realised that I was not willing to compromise and that my vision was now too different and incompatible with that reality. I therefore decided to devote them to my own solo project.”


The recordings began in the winter of 2014 and included Fulguriator (guitars), Stolas (bass) and Jonny (drums and vocals).
In June of the same year, there was a long setback due to the tragic death of drummer and vocalist Jonny in a motorcycle accident.
The EP was finally released in February 2015 in memory of Jonny and as his last work.

“I have good memories of the recording of this EP.
There was enthusiasm, there was an air of renewal and I didn’t yet have too definite of a vision of how the project would develop.
I wasn’t thinking about the future, the prospect of playing live or anything else.
With Jonny, there was a great understanding of my vision and a great exchange regarding the themes of the lyrics.
I wanted him to sing them. His passing changed everything…
I didn’t for a moment consider getting someone else involved in his place and decided to take care of the vocals from then on.
I often think how great it would be to have Jonny back on this project.”

– Selvans